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The 3 Leading Causes of Construction Accidents—and How to Prevent Them

  • Date: 18 Feb 2020

In any situation where you mix individuals with large dangerous materials, power tools, massive machinery, and heights, you are sure to get a multitude of accidents and fatalities. Given the presence of all these elements in construction, construction workers are particularly prone to accidents. In fact, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), roughly 150,000 construction site accident injuries occur every year. The three leading causes of construction accidents include 1) slips, trips, and falls, 2) parts and materials, and 3) work tools and products. To fully understand why these are the leading causes and how to prevent them, let’s take a look at each below.

1. Slips, Trips, and Falls

In the construction industry, slips, trips, and falls account for 24,700 injuries and 384 deaths per year. All of these falls can be preventable as long as proper safety protocol is taken into account and the individuals are wearing the right safety equipment.

For instance, in many cases, the construction workers that fall victims to these accidents were found not wearing their harnesses as they should be. Although it may be more comfortable and easier to maneuver without it, the harness is the only thing preventing these individuals from falling and severely injuring themselves or dying in the process.

2. Parts and Materials

The next most common form of construction accident deals with the parts and materials used, which, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, account for 8.2% of construction worker fatalities.

Many slips and falls also occur because of unstable flooring, materials slipping, and faulty materials on the job that lead to severe injuries.

3. Work Tools and Products

Lastly, work tools and products account for a large part of the construction accidents in America. From getting stuck in between machinery or being crushed by heavy equipment to being cut or losing parts of the body to sharp tools and products, the likelihood of being injured by work tools and products is extremely high.

With all of these construction accident forms in mind, the best way to prevent them in the future and to help yourself move forward from an accident is to work with a qualified construction accident attorney that will help raise awareness in your community regarding your incident and the injuries sustained.

If you are looking for a construction accident attorney in Valencia, Santa Clarita, or Canyon Country to represent you, call the Law Office of C. Ray Carlson today! We are happy to help you with your case and help prevent future injuries on your construction site!