5 Utterly Shocking Pedestrian Accident Statistics

In California, pedestrian accidents are highly common. However, no one expects to be a part of the statistics—until they are. As a group of highly experienced lawyers, we at the Law Offices of C. Ray Carlson know this more than anyone.
Knowing the most prevalent pedestrian accident statistics is so important. By understanding how and why these accidents occur, we can focus on preventing them in the future and creating a society that is more aware of pedestrians and pedestrian laws.
1. In 2016, one in every five children under the age of 15 who were killed in traffic crashes were pedestrians.
This statistic may not seem so drastic, but if you think about the fact that there were 172,000 injured children in traffic crashes in 2013, this number becomes a lot more shocking. This is why more attention must be paid to our children and to the streets as we drive.
2. In 2015, 129,000 pedestrians were treated in emergency departments for non-fatal crash-related injuries.
Although this number may seem relatively small considering how many people live in the United States, think of it like this: one of the largest hospitals in California is Hollywood Presbyterian. This hospital is an acute-care 7-building facility with 434 licensed beds, 1,400 employees, and an 800-member medical staff. Hollywood Presbyterian would have to be filled to the brim roughly 297 times over in order to care for all of these injured individuals.
3. Almost half (48%) of crashes that resulted in pedestrian deaths involved alcohol.
Although drunk driving is something that is commonly seen in movies, on billboards, and on posters in bars across the state of California, there are still many people that take the risk of driving intoxicated. However, this statistic shows exactly how incredibly dangerous this choice can be.
4. Higher vehicle speeds increase both the likelihood of a pedestrian being struck by a car and the severity of injury.
In many cases, driving above the speed limit is exactly what causes otherwise decent drivers to make mistakes. Pedestrian rarely have time to act and the driver has little to no time to put on their brakes or swerve. As such, even a small difference in speed can lead to some seriously devastating consequences.
5. Pedestrians are 1.5 times more likely than passenger vehicle occupants to be killed in a car crash.
With so many car accidents occurring every year – and a large percentage of these being in California alone – it’s no wonder why this number is so unsettling. Given such, paying closer attention when driving and when crossing the street is crucial to lowering these numbers and staying safe in California. However, if you or a loved one find yourself in a pedestrian accident in Valencia, Santa Clarita, or Canyon Country and are in need of a pedestrian accident attorney, don’t hesitate to call the Law Offices of C. Ray Carlson for a free consultation!